New professionals program
Transparency and budgets
Special section dedicated to information, interaction, and reflection on the topic of a gender perspective in international peace operations and in post-conflict societies, with a focus on sharing experiences and lessons learned.
RESDAL carries out various defence-related programs. Among them, the Comparative Atlas of Defence in Latin America and Caribbean, a regional source of data for understanding the reality of regional defence. You will also find the results of our research on military education, military justice, defence ministries and parliamentary commissions.
Every Friday we edit and disseminate among our subscribers this summary of the week’s main news stories related to issues such as military expenditures, the armed forces, drug trafficking, public security etc. The topics are presented according to the date of publication and on a country-per-country basis.
See the Network’s actions in relation to what is a central theme on the regional agenda as a consequence of the rise in criminality. Find information on political-institutional control of public security, its relation with the judicial sector, judicial bodies, the State’s actions in relation to crime, prevention programs, budgets, the role of the armed forces, private security, and crime statistics.