RESDAL at the Conferences

Civil society participation was first allowed in the VI Conference, held in Quito in 2004. Since then, RESDAL has had a growing role in this hemispheric process.

RESDAL delegations had been present as civil society observers at the VI, VII and VIII Conference. In some of them, documents made by RESDAL had been presented, with the civil society perspectives about the main subjects worked on the Conferences. RESDAL has a special role during the process of the last Conference.

By receiving a request from the Canadian organization, RESDAL coordinates together with FLACSO, a civil society consult meeting, held in San José, Costa Rica, in November 2007, and publish and update of the Latin American Comparative Defence Atlas, that was distribute as an official document of the Conference (was edited in English, French and Spanish).

II Thematic Meeting (along with regional experts and representatives of ministries of defence)
May 17 - 18, 2010

I Thematic Meeting (along with civil society and academy representatives)
May 10-11, 2010

Information about the civil society consults meeting (Costa Rica, November 2007)
Latin American Comparative Defence Atlas, 2008 Edition
Document made by RESDAL for the VI Conference “Thematic guidelines and debate perspectives”