
As a first step, RESDAL studied the following national cases: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. 

Most of the research teams in each country were formed by an expert and a young local researcher, responsible for collecting and analysing the data, with special emphasis placed on primary sources of information. To this end, they were armed with guidelines to consider when carrying out the research.

Gaining access to this information is one of the challenges to civilian control and military autonomy given that the internal rules and the implications and characteristics of the military justice system are virtually unknown to civilians in different countries, mainly due to the lack of access to information on the subject. RESDAL has taken on the task of collecting, systematising and organising data on the subject. As a result, the first material product has been produced, presented in the publication “Justicia Militar: entre la reforma y la permanencia”, (Military Justice: between reform and continuance), compiled by Juan Rial.  
